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Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio back presidential candidate’s campaign

Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio back presidential candidate’s campaign Photo: De Niro and DiCaprio support one of the US presidential candidates (screenshot from video)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Hollywood stars and Academy Award winners Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio attended an event supporting presidential candidate Kamala Harris in Philadelphia (USA). The prominent actors urged voters to turn out in force, according to CBS News.

Alongside De Niro and DiCaprio, Emmy Award winner Kerry Washington, actress Tessa Thompson, and actor Brian Tyree Henry also headlined the event.

The event, titled Philadelphian for Kamala Harris, was hosted by Mayor Parker and Dawn Chavous, the regional chair of the Black Women for Harris Campaign.

Several local officials also attended, underscoring the potential impact of voter turnout in Pennsylvania.

According to Mayor Parker, the road to the White House “runs straight through the commonwealth of Philadelphia.” He emphasized Philadelphia’s influence on national outcomes, noting recent elections where the state played a decisive role.

Celebrities addressed attendees, highlighting the importance of voting, with each star voicing support for Democratic candidate Harris.

Leonardo DiCaprio, for example, spoke in favor of his favorite candidate’s stance on climate change.

“Whether or not we have an administration that doesn't deny scientific facts, who believes in 99% of the scientific community when it comes to the man-made climate crisis. The choice could not be clearer, and that choice is Vice President Kamala Harris,” he said.

De Niro openly expressed his disdain for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, using strong language. The 81-year-old actor also called on American citizens not to ignore the election.

Kerry Washington likewise stressed the importance of voting in Philadelphia.

“We aren't here as actors and actresses. We are here as Americans. There is too much at stake to get scared, and quiet, and complacent. So that's why we're here,” she said.

TCreed's Tessa Thompson and Brian Henry of the TV show Atlanta reminded Philadelphians of the city’s pivotal role in the upcoming November 5 election.

American media also noted that the red carpet will remain in Philadelphia for a few more days, as musician Bruce Springsteen plans to headline a concert and rally with former President Barack Obama on October 28 in support of Harris.

Read more about how celebrities are rallying for Trump and Harris in our separate article.

Earlier, Elon Musk allocated about $75 million to his campaign group in support of Trump in 3 months.

As a reminder, pop star Taylor Swift revealed whom she would support in the US elections in September.