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Republicans delay consideration of aid to Ukraine in US Senate

Republicans delay consideration of aid to Ukraine in US Senate Illustrative photo: Senate delays consideration of aid to Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Republicans are delaying a procedural vote on a proposal for funds to resume aid to Ukraine, according to The Guardian.

The procedural vote is postponed due to complaints from Republicans that they cannot offer their amendments to the bill.

Senators Eric Schmitt and Mike Lee accuse Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of effectively pushing through his version of the bill "with minimal debate and perhaps no amendments".

Lee also complains that the allocation of funds to help Ukraine is an unpopular decision.

At the same time, Senator Bernie Sanders has spoken out against aid to Israel. He does not want the United States to allocate money for Israel's "war machine".

The bill on aid to Ukraine

On Saturday, April 20, the US House of Representatives passed a bill with more than $60 billion in aid to Ukraine. It was then sent to the Senate for a vote.

The US Senate began consideration of the Ukraine initiative today, April 23. It is expected to be combined with other bills on aid to Israel, Taiwan, and US national security issues.

Read more about the process of considering aid to Ukraine in the Senate in the material by RBC-Ukraine.