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Putin's travel abroad with fighter jet escort and new U.S. military aid to Ukraine - Wednesday brief

Putin's travel abroad with fighter jet escort and new U.S. military aid to Ukraine - Wednesday brief Photo: Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin left for the Middle East today, December 6. The dictator arrived in the capital of the United Arab Emirates and will then head to Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the United States announced a new military aid package for Ukraine.

RBC-Ukraine compiled the main news for December 5.

Putin travels abroad with Su-35S fighter jet escort

Putin will hold negotiations in Abu Dhabi with the country's leader, Mohammed Al Nahyan, initially as part of delegations and then face-to-face.

The dictator's spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Russian Su-35S fighter jets allegedly had accompanied Putin's aircraft throughout the entire flight to Abu Dhabi.

Russian media showed that after Putin arrived in Abu Dhabi airplanes painted the Russian tricolor in the sky over the city.

Missiles for HIMARS and more: U.S. announces new military aid package for Ukraine

Today, on December 6, the United States announced a $175 million military aid package for Ukraine, according to the statement made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Pentagon's press service.

Ukrainian military will receive rockets for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

Russian night attack: Air defense forces eliminate over 40 drones

The Russian occupation forces attacked Ukraine with Shaheds from two directions - Cape Chauda (Crimea) and the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. A total of 48 attack drones were launched.

Air defense forces managed to destroy 41 drones.

U.S. accuses Russian military group of war crimes in Ukraine

The United States today, on December 6, announced the filing of charges against four Russian military personnel for war crimes they committed during the invasion of Ukraine, according to the US Department of Justice.

They are accused of the unlawful detention of a US citizen during Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The victim was interrogated, brutally beaten, and tortured. The accused also threatened to kill the victim and staged a mock execution.

Ukrainian Parliament greenlights essential bills for EU integration

The Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy has recommended that the Parliament pass two important anti-corruption bills in the second reading. They are necessary for Ukraine's accession to the EU.

The draft law proposes increasing the number of NABU staff from 700 to 1,000, including an increase in senior staff from 500 to 750.

Given the limited funding opportunities during martial law, this will be implemented gradually.

Hungary to block Ukraine issue at EU summit, it may be delayed

Hungary will block the issue of starting negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union at the EU summit next week. Therefore, the summit may be prolonged, according to the correspondent of "Radio Svoboda" Rikard Jozwiak.

Jozwiak suggests that negotiations regarding Ukraine will last both days of the summit. It may likely be prolonged until Saturday, December 16.

G7 to impose ban on direct imports of Russian diamonds

U.S. President Joe Biden and the leaders of the G7 countries have agreed on a new ban on Russian diamonds, reports Reuters.

Western nations have reached a final agreement on imposing sanctions on diamonds from Russia. The import ban will take effect from January 1, 2024, gradually transitioning to an embargo on diamond circulation within a year.

Biden on Trump's chances of winning in elections: 'I'll defeat him'

American President Joe Biden assessed the chances of former President Donald Trump in the upcoming elections, according to Biden's remarks at the end of a press conference.

At the end of the press conference, President Biden was asked about his thoughts on his competitor in the 2024 U.S. elections, Donald Trump, and how the current president evaluates his chances of winning.

Biden responded clearly, saying, "I'll defeat him."