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Biden on Trump's chances of winning in elections: 'I'll defeat him'

Biden on Trump's chances of winning in elections: 'I'll defeat him' Photo: Joe Biden, President of U.S. (Getty Images)

American President Joe Biden assessed the chances of former President Donald Trump in the upcoming elections, according to Biden's remarks at the end of a press conference.

At the end of the press conference, President Biden was asked about his thoughts on his competitor in the 2024 U.S. elections, Donald Trump, and how the current president evaluates his chances of winning.

Biden gave a clear response, saying, "I'll defeat him."

Earlier, the current President of the United States, Joe Biden, stated that he probably would not have run for a second presidential term if Donald Trump did not have a chance to lead the country again.

The current White House chief, Joe Biden, has repeatedly warned that Donald Trump poses a threat to democracy, and a second term for the Republican could open an unprecedented and dangerous era of American autocracy.

At the same time, former President of the United States Donald Trump promises not to be a dictator if re-elected to the White House.

It's worth noting that the next U.S. presidential elections are scheduled for November 5, 2024.