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Progress continues: Ukrainian defense forces advance in Klishchiivka area

Progress continues: Ukrainian defense forces advance in Klishchiivka area Photo: Ukrainian military (Getty Images)

Ukrainian military continues its offensive operations in the Bakhmut direction. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are making progress in the area of Klishchiivka, Donetsk region, according to the spokesperson of the East group of Ukrainian Armed Forces, Illia Yevlash.

"The enemy continues to attempt to regain its lost positions near Klishchiivka and Andriivka. However, our defenders successfully repel these attacks, consolidate their positions, and continue offensive actions on the southern flank, including making progress in the Bakhmut and Klishchiivka directions," he said.

The spokesperson also noted that the occupiers are moving their artillery to the farthest points from the contact line and firing at our defenders' positions from there in an attempt to protect their installations.

Over the past day in the Bakhmut direction, Ukrainian Armed Forces have eliminated 159 occupiers and destroyed two ammunition depots, and several enemy vehicles.

Ukraine's counteroffensive

Since the summer, our troops have been continuing their offensive actions in the east and south of Ukraine. Currently, active battles are taking place south of Bakhmut and in the Melitopol direction.

The latest liberated populated areas were Andriivka and Klishchiivka in the Donetsk region. As noted by the Defense Forces, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already established fire control over the Bakhmut-Horlivka road. This will provide more opportunities to destroy the occupiers and their supply lines.

Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi also reported that Ukrainian defenders broke through the Russian defenses near Verbove settlement in the Zaporizhzhia region.