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Polish Foreign Minister on what Ukraine can expect from NATO summit

Polish Foreign Minister on what Ukraine can expect from NATO summit Radoslaw Sikorski (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

During the NATO summit in July in Washington, the West aims to convince Vladimir Putin that it is ready for a long-term conflict with Russia and to provide long-term support to Ukraine, according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radoslaw Sikorski.

"I hope that we will outline practical plans to strengthen Ukraine's security so that in a few years Ukraine can join Euro-Atlantic institutions," Sikorski added.

The interviewer reminded that Ukraine hopes to hear specific proposals during the NATO summit, but Sikorski said that it is not worth creating unrealistic expectations that cannot be justified.

According to him, defense budgets in Europe are increasing, with Poland being a leader. "NATO is the most powerful alliance in world history. Once it already defeated Russia. It will prevail again," the minister said.

When asked when the war might end, Sikorski replied: "The war can end in five minutes. With one phone call from Putin to Shoigu. This is an aggressive colonial war, and it will end when the aggressor realizes that the sacrifices are not worth the ultimate goal. But the aggressor has not yet come to this conclusion."

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that during the summit in Washington in July, allies are unlikely to reach a consensus on inviting Ukraine to the Alliance. However, he confirmed that Ukraine has a right place in NATO.

Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna said that the United States and Germany are against Ukraine's official invitation to NATO.