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Police headquarters in Kryvyi Rih hit: Search ongoing for one more person

Police headquarters in Kryvyi Rih hit: Search ongoing for one more person Photo: Search ongoing for one more person under the rubble in Kryvyi Rih after the attack on September 27 (

In Kryvyi Rih, the search continues at the site of the attack on the police headquarters on September 27. So far, six people have been injured, and three have died, according to the Telegram post of Serhii Lysak, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration.

According to him, emergency and rescue operations are ongoing in Kryvyi Rih.

"Rescuers are continuing to clear the rubble of the administrative building. The fate of one person remains unknown," stated the head of the Regional Military Administration.

Attack on the police headquarters in Kryvyi Rih

On September 27, Russian forces launched a missile strike on the police headquarters in Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region. It was quickly reported that people were trapped under the rubble, with a direct hit to the building.

Initially, reports mentioned three injured individuals, but later the number of victims rose to six. The first fatality was found under the rubble.

Later, the bodies of two more individuals were discovered under the debris in Kryvyi Rih. Initially, it was reported that there could be four people trapped beneath the rubble.