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Two more bodies recovered from administrative building rubble in Kryvyi Rih

Two more bodies recovered from administrative building rubble in Kryvyi Rih Photo: In Kryvyi Rih, the bodies of two more victims were recovered from the rubble of an administrative building (
Author: Daryna Vialko

On the morning of Friday, September 27, Russia struck the police department in Kryvyi Rih. Three fatalities have been confirmed, with the bodies recovered from the rubble, according to the Telegram of Serhii Lysak, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration.

He reported that two more bodies, a man and a woman, were retrieved from the debris of the administrative building, bringing the total death toll from the morning strike to three.

Additionally, six people have been reported injured due to the shelling.

The State Emergency Service clarified that the attack damaged 23 private homes, three apartment buildings, a school building, and 82 vehicles. Emergency rescue operations are still ongoing at the site, and there are probably still people under the rubble.


On the morning of September 27, Russian forces launched a missile strike on Kryvyi Rih in the Dnipropetrovsk region. It was later revealed that the target was the police department.

RBC-Ukraine has gathered all available information regarding the strike on the police department in Kryvyi Rih.