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Over 200 drones in day: Russian forces intensify aerial reconnaissance in southern Ukraine

Over 200 drones in day: Russian forces intensify aerial reconnaissance in southern Ukraine Illustrative photo: Russian forces are actively conducting aerial reconnaissance in southern Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russian troops are actively conducting aerial reconnaissance in southern Ukraine. In just one day, 210 enemy reconnaissance drones have been recorded, according to the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine.

"Occupiers are intensifying pressure with artillery shelling, airstrikes, and the use of a large number of various types of strike drones while actively conducting aerial reconnaissance. Over the past 24 hours, 210 reconnaissance UAVs have been recorded in the operational zone," the report states.

It is noted that the Russian army used 221 FPV drones and three Lancet-type strike drones during the last day.

Additionally, the enemy dropped 589 fragmentation munitions of various types from UAVs, including 13 with toxic substances and two with incendiary substances.

Frontline situation

According to the General Staff, there have been 56 combat clashes since the beginning of August 8. The most intense situation is in the Lyman and Pokrovsk directions.

Over the past day, enemy losses amounted to 1,140 personnel. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Russia lost over 587,000 soldiers in total.

Yesterday, the Defense Forces also destroyed 2 tanks, 9 armored personnel vehicles, and 36 artillery systems.