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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 8: Another helicopter, plane and 1,140 troops

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 8: Another helicopter, plane and 1,140 troops General Staff updates data on Russian losses in Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian losses in the war in Ukraine reached another 1,140 occupiers as of Thursday morning, August 8. Additionally, the Ukrainian Armed Forces downed a plane and a helicopter, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total Russian combat losses from February 24, 2022, to August 8, 2024, are estimated as follows:

  • Personnel: about 587,510 (+1,140) eliminated
  • Tanks: 8,431 (+2) units
  • APV (Armored personnel vehicles): 16,332 (+9) units
  • Artillery systems: 16,487 (+36) units
  • MLRS (Multiple launch rocket systems): 1,142 (+4) units
  • Anti-aircraft warfare systems: 914 (+4) units
  • Aircraft: 366 (+1) units
  • Helicopters: 327 (+1) units
  • UAVs operational-tactical level: 13,293 (+81) units
  • Cruise missiles: 2,424 (+3) units
  • Warships/boats: 28 units
  • Submarines: 1 unit
  • Vehicles and fuel tankers: 22,285 (+59) units
  • Special equipment: 2,767 (+8) units

Frontline situation

On August 7, there were 96 combat engagements on the front. Russian forces continued to be most active in the Pokrovsk direction, accounting for nearly a third of the offensive actions.

According to the Institute for the Study of War, Ukrainian forces have regained some lost positions near Chasiv Yar. However, the occupiers have still made territorial gains in the battles for the Donetsk region.