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Orban sets condition to support Rutte's candidacy for NATO Secretary-General

Orban sets condition to support Rutte's candidacy for NATO Secretary-General Photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Hungary may support Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte's candidacy for NATO Secretary-General, but there is a condition, according to Mandiner.

"We cannot support the NATO Secretary-General, who advocates for mandatory participation of all member states in military operations outside the alliance's territory. We would like to conclude an agreement with the future Secretary-General on this,” Orban said.

He noted that Hungary's condition would be to refrain from participating in NATO operations against Russia in Ukraine.

"We will maintain our membership, but we do not want to participate in military actions outside NATO territory; we must have the opportunity for this. Legally, we still have it, but we expect it to be declared," the Prime Minister explained.

It is worth mentioning that this year, NATO members need to decide on a new Secretary-General.

Media previously reported that 28 out of 32 NATO member countries supported Rutte's candidacy. However, Rutte later gained support from one more country.