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Oil depot in Rostov region on fire for fourth day: New satellite images

Oil depot in Rostov region on fire for fourth day: New satellite images Photo: Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (Getty Images)

For four days now, firefighters have been trying to extinguish a fire at an oil depot in Rostov region that broke out as a result of Ukrainian drone strikes. The fire has completely destroyed 14 fuel tanks, Radio Svoboda reports.

Satellite images show thick black smoke, and the area of the fire is expanding.

Нафтобаза у Ростовській області палає вже четверту добу: нові супутникові знімки

Нафтобаза у Ростовській області палає вже четверту добу: нові супутникові знімки

According to OSINT analysts, the fire has completely destroyed 14 fuel tanks, partially damaged four, and left 16 undamaged. The fate of 44 additional tanks remains unknown as they are covered by a dense layer of smoke.

What preceded

On the night of August 18, drones struck the oil depot FGKU Kombinat Kavkaz, located in Proletarsk, Rostov region.

According to RBC-Ukraine sources, this was an operation conducted by the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense.

On August 19, an explosion occurred at the oil depot, where firefighters had been attempting to extinguish the blaze for over a day. Yesterday, another tank exploded.