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North Korea supplies artillery shells and missiles for launcher systems to Russia: The Economist reports

North Korea supplies artillery shells and missiles for launcher systems to Russia: The Economist reports Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

North Korea supplies Russia with 152mm shells and Katyusha-type rockets for most of the year, according to The Economist.

It is stated that North Korea could provide Russia with a wide range of goods. In addition to drones and missiles like the KN-23, which is almost an exact copy of the Russian Iskandr ballistic missile, they can offer self-propelled howitzers and multiple rocket launcher systems.

The article, citing U.S. intelligence information, reports regular deliveries of 152mm shells and Katyusha-type rockets to Russia.

"North Korea has been delivering 152mm shells and Katyusha-type rockets to Russia for the best part of a year. Russia is shopping in Pyongyang and Tehran because both regimes are already so heavily targeted by international sanctions that they have nothing to lose and much to gain by doing business with Mr. Putin’s government," the article states.


Katyusha is the unofficial name for multiple rocket launcher systems that emerged during World War II from 1941 to 1945.

Russia-North Korea cooperation

On September 13, a meeting took place between the leaders of North Korea and Russia - Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin. They visited the Vostochny cosmodrome, Russia's most modern cosmodrome in the Amur region.

Also, the North Korean dictator met with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu on September 17. They discussed strengthening military cooperation between the two countries. Western media have repeatedly reported that during the meeting, the parties may agree on the transfer of artillery ammunition to Russia.

Earlier, South Korea stated that it had long been aware that Russia used weapons provided by North Korea in the war against Ukraine.