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New satellite images of aftermath of strike on depot in Russia's Tver region emerged

New satellite images of aftermath of strike on depot in Russia's Tver region emerged Illustrative photo: new satellite images of the aftermath of the strike on the depot in Toropets (screenshot)

Drones from the Security Service of Ukraine, the Defense Intelligence, and the Special Operations Forces attacked a large missile depot in Russia during the night of Wednesday, September 18. Updated satellite images of the aftermath of the strike have surfaced online, according to Skhemy.

This time, the Planet Labs satellite images show the aftermath of the fire. As of 3:30 p.m. today, the fire was still ongoing. The images also reveal craters ranging from 50 to 90 meters in diameter from exploded munitions.

It is worth noting that earlier satellite images showed a fire at the ammunition depot in Toropets.

What preceded the attack

During the night of September 18, explosions occurred following an attack on a weapons arsenal in the Tver region.

According to RBC-Ukraine's sources, Ukrainian drones struck an ammunition depot in the city of Toropets.

As a result, Iskander and Tochka-U missiles were destroyed, along with a subsequent fire. It is also known that the depot stored missiles, including Iskander and KN23.