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Grad, S-300, Iskander and North Korean KN23 missiles were stored in Toropets, Russia

Grad, S-300, Iskander and North Korean KN23 missiles were stored in Toropets, Russia Illustrative photo ( mchs_official)
Author: Maria Kholina

During a drone attack on Toropets in the Tver region on the night of September 18, a strike was carried out on a critical warehouse. The site was used to store Iskander and KN23 missiles, according to Andrii Kovalenko, head of Ukraine's Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD).

"The Russians were storing missiles for Grad, S-300, and S-400 systems at a large warehouse in the city of Toropets, Tver region," he said.

He also added that ballistic missiles for the Iskander system were kept there, and the Russians were beginning to stockpile North Korean-made KN23 missiles.


On the night of September 18, a fire broke out in Toropets, Tver region of Russia, following a drone attack and the activation of air defense systems in the area.

Local residents reported that an ammunition depot may have been hit, sparking a fire and explosions.

Despite the fact that Toropets is located 488 km from the Ukrainian border, drones managed to strike a military facility and critical warehouses near the city. Initial reports indicated that the Russians were storing rockets for BM-21 Grad systems, 82-mm mortar shells, and ammunition at the site.