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NATO shares footage of Ukrainian pilots training on F-16

NATO shares footage of Ukrainian pilots training on F-16 Photo: F-16 aircraft in Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine).
Author: Daryna Vialko

NATO shared footage of Ukrainian military training on F-16 aircraft on its X.

"F-16s have arrived in Ukraine. Look back at Danish instructors training Ukrainian pilots, technicians and ground crew how to fly and maintain the fighter jets," the video caption reads.

One of the Ukrainian pilots also mentioned that flying the F-16 was very interesting. However, he believes that the Soviet MiG aircraft, which Ukraine has in its fleet, are not to be considered very boring either. The pilot added that the F-16 is agile and moves easily.

"It's a very modern aircraft. It's competitive with the best Western fighters. And I'm sure that the Ukrainian Air Force will benefit from that," said Major General Jan Dam, the Chief of the Royal Danish Air Force.

Ukraine receives first F-16s

At the end of July, Ukraine received F-16 fighters from Western partners. According to media reports, Ukraine received six aircraft from the Netherlands.

As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy explained, the current number of F-16s in Ukraine is insufficient, but the country is awaiting additional aircraft from partners.

For more details on how many fighters are needed to secure the skies and why Ukraine needs the F-16s, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.