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NATO countries provided Ukraine with only about half of promised aid - President of Romania

NATO countries provided Ukraine with only about half of promised aid - President of Romania Photo: Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania (Getty Images)

Ukraine has received only half of all the aid promised earlier by NATO countries, according to a statement by the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis.

"As for the aid that we all provide to Ukraine, I think it’s time to be realistic, we have provided about half of what we promised," stated Iohannis.

He clarified that such supplies are insufficient. And if Western countries want Ukraine to achieve victory, "more needs to be delivered."

What preceded

Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke about delays in aid to Ukraine from NATO countries. According to him, Alliance members did not fulfill their promises.

Stoltenberg clarified that such actions by NATO countries have caused a difficult situation on the front lines in Ukraine.

As an example of unfulfilled promises, the Secretary General mentioned delays in allocating new funding for arms supplies to Ukraine from the United States.