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National Police warns of missile strike threat to Ukraine on State Flag Day and Independence Day

National Police warns of missile strike threat to Ukraine on State Flag Day and Independence Day Photo: Russian MiG-31K fighter (

Russian troops may launch missile strikes on Ukraine on State Flag Day and Independence Day, August 23-24, according to a statement from the Head of the Preventive Activities Department of the National Police of Ukraine, Maksym Akhrameev.

According to him, all units of the National Police are prepared to ensure enhanced security measures during the State Flag Day and Independence Day celebrations in Ukraine.

The department head emphasized that there is a high likelihood of numerous missile strikes by the aggressor country on Ukrainian territory during these days, so it is essential to pay special attention to the procedures during air alerts and missile threats.

Akhrameev noted that enhanced security measures will involve police patrols, investigative-operational groups, bomb disposal units, dog handlers, and other services.

The National Police also urges citizens to take responsibility for their own safety, respond to alarm signals, stay in shelters during alerts, avoid touching suspicious objects, and report any breaches of public order to the police.

Threat of shelling on Independence Day

Today, August 22, the US Embassy in Ukraine has warned of an increased risk of Russian shelling on Independence Day.

According to military expert Oleksandr Musiienko, Russia is likely preparing for a strike on Ukraine in anticipation of Independence Day. Specifically, it is conducting training flights of strategic aviation.