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US Embassy warns of increased risk of Russian attacks on Ukraine before Independence Day

US Embassy warns of increased risk of Russian attacks on Ukraine before Independence Day Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The US Embassy in Ukraine has issued a warning about an increased risk of Russian attacks on Ukraine ahead of Independence Day. The embassy provided a list of essential actions to take in case of emergencies.

"The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv assesses that during the next several days and through the weekend there is an increased risk of both nighttime and daytime Russian drone and missile attacks throughout Ukraine in connection with Ukraine’s Independence Day on August 24," the statement said.

At the same time, the US Embassy in Ukraine outlined the necessary actions to take in case of danger:

  • Monitor updates in local media.
  • Identify shelter locations in advance for any air raid warnings.
  • Immediately seek shelter if an air raid siren sounds.
  • Follow the instructions of Ukrainian officials and emergency services in case of an emergency.

Ukraine has been subjected to chaotic drone attacks by Russia for three consecutive days. Over the past few days, Shahed drones have maneuvered from one region to another, sometimes hovering in one place for a long time.

As noted by a military expert, these actions may be related to Independence Day, as Russians often use significant dates to launch massive attacks on Ukraine.