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Ukraine’s Independence Day at risk: Russia may planning strikes, warns military expert

Ukraine’s Independence Day at risk: Russia may planning strikes, warns military expert Illustrative photo: Russia may attack Ukraine on Independence Day (Getty Images)

Oleksandr Musiienko, the Head of the Сenter of Military Law Researches, in a comment to RBC-Ukraine, stated that Russia is likely preparing to strike Ukraine as Independence Day approaches, particularly by conducting training flights with strategic aviation.

"Risks (of a strike around Independence Day) exist. They cannot be ignored. There are signs that Russia is preparing for an attack," he said.

According to him, Russia is accumulating missiles in any case, and Russian aviation is conducting flights.

The purpose of these flights, Musiyenko explained, is that the Russians occasionally need to relocate their aircraft because Ukrainian defenders are attacking airfields with drones. For instance, the Olenya airfield was targeted, as were several other locations mentioned by the head of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov.

"But training flights are being conducted, and stockpiles are being prepared. So the enemy generally can carry out such an attack. A certain period has passed, and the missile stockpile they may have accumulated could amount to around 100 missiles. I mean those ready for use, which could be equipped," Musiienko stated.

He also mentioned that on Friday, August 23, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Kyiv. Such active engagement by Ukraine with the Global South might not sit well with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

Moreover, according to Musiienko, Russia has typically carried out strikes before or after significant dates for Ukraine.

"But of course, this period is somewhat risky. This needs to be understood because certain factors coincide that may indicate the warnings from the U.S. are not just a formality," he added.


As a reminder, today, August 22, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine warned of an increased risk of Russian strikes on Independence Day.

The diplomatic mission also noted a high risk of both night and daytime drone and missile attacks.