More missiles, munitions and air defense for Ukraine and the EU: Michel outlines Europe's goals

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has called for the creation of a defense alliance, emphasizing the need to continue supporting Ukraine and ensuring Europe's own security, according to The Guardian.
Charles Michel acknowledged Europe's unprecedented assistance to Ukraine and stressed the necessity to do even more.
"We all know that we need to do more -- more missiles, more ammunition, more air defence systems and faster. And it’s an obligation – an obligation toward the Ukrainian people, but also towards our citizens. By protecting Ukraine, we protect ourselves, and our continued strong military support also sends a signal to our partners, especially our American allies – a clear signal that we take our security more seriously than ever," said the Euro Council chief.
Speaking at a defense conference, Michel stated that "the time has come to create a real union of defence coupled with a true defence single market."
He added that Europe should focus on two goals: "First, our support – our ironclad military support for the people of Ukraine – because Ukraine security is our security, it is all of our security. And second, I repeat again, we must make our defence – our European defence – stronger now, tomorrow and in the future."
Michel also called for more effective coordination of European defense expenditures and an increased role for the European Defense Agency, along with boosting funding for the defense industry.
Supply of munitions to Ukraine
According to plans outlined in March of this year, the EU committed to supplying artillery shells to Ukraine over a 12-month period, initially using existing stockpiles and then through joint procurement contracts and increased production.
As reported by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, the European Union has currently supplied Ukraine with around 300,000 of the promised one million shells.
Kuleba also said that the European Union and NATO need to collaborate on arms production to meet Ukraine's needs.
UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron said that NATO member countries must persuade arms manufacturing companies to increase production volumes to meet Ukraine's needs for at least the next two years.