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Massive explosions reported in temporarily occupied Tokmak

Massive explosions reported in temporarily occupied Tokmak Photo: loud explosions in Tokmok in the morning on November 28 (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the morning of Tuesday, November 28, explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied Tokmak of the Zaporizhzhia region. Before that, according to the mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, there was a blackout in the city.

"Residents report loud explosions that the whole city heard," he says.

According to Fedorov, the power supply disappeared a few minutes before that.

The situation in Tokmak

Explosions in the temporarily occupied Tokmak of the Zaporizhzhia region occur with constant periodicity. For example, locals reported such hits on November 13.

Recently, Russian troops began to move into high-rise buildings in Tokamak, where civilians already live. Obviously, they do not depart from their already familiar "human shield" tactics and try to cover themselves with people in case of a breakthrough by Ukrainian forces. In addition, the occupiers are strengthening defenses in the Tokmak area, increasing checks, and increasing the number of checkpoints in the city.

At the same time, according to the Institute for the Study of War on November 28, Ukrainian troops continue to conduct offensive operations in the Melitopol direction in the Zaporizhzhia region. In particular, the Ukrainian Armed Forces advanced to the south of Robotyne.