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Ukrainian military reports Russian forces strengthening defenses near Tokmak: Details

Ukrainian military reports Russian forces strengthening defenses near Tokmak: Details Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Russian troops are strengthening their defenses in the Tokmak area and the occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region. Therefore, the Ukrainian Armed Forces need to continue eliminating the aggressors and not lose the initiative, according to Oleksandr Shtupun, the spokesperson for the Defense Forces of the Tavria direction.

According to him, Russian forces had fortifications in the Tokmak region previously, but currently, the occupiers continue to strengthen them.

"It (the enemy - Ed.) doesn't want to lose this strategic city just like that, and the enemy also continues to fortify in other directions further inland, digging new positions," said Shtupun.

What the Ukrainian Armed Forces should do

The spokesperson for the Defense Forces of the Tavria direction explains that Ukraine should not lose the initiative.

"We should constantly engage him, keep him under pressure so that he cannot properly reinforce and regroup," Shtupun emphasized.

Counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Zaporizhzhia region

Ukrainian troops continue their offensive operations in the Zaporizhzhia region. Military-political observer of the Information Resistance Group, Oleksandr Kovalenko, believes that the liberation of Tokmak will be a marker for the next breakthrough by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Kovalenko also states that if Tokmak can be reached in October, it will accelerate the advance toward Melitopol.

Additionally, the National Resistance Center reported that Russia had started increasing the number of military personnel in the temporarily occupied city of Tokmak.