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Italy to send second SAMP/T battery to Ukraine by end of September – Defense Ministry

Italy to send second SAMP/T battery to Ukraine by end of September – Defense Ministry Photo: Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine will receive the second SAMP/T anti-aircraft missile system from Italy by the end of September, according to Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto.

At a European conference on air defense production, Crosetto said that “by the end of the month, the new SAMP/T anti-aircraft missile system will be delivered to Ukraine.”

“We know how much every minute of delay costs,” the Italian Minister emphasized.

Italy's assistance to Ukraine

To date, Italy has provided Ukraine with nine packages of military aid, including anti-aircraft missiles, artillery shells, armored vehicles and ammunition.

Italy also transferred a SAMP/T anti-aircraft missile system to Ukraine.

Yesterday, September 16, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said that Italy would send Ukraine a second SAMP/T air defense battery to protect the population.