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Italy to send Ukraine second Samp-T air defense battery

Italy to send Ukraine second Samp-T air defense battery Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Italy continues to provide unconditional assistance to Ukraine in military, civilian, and financial spheres. Italy will soon send Kyiv a second Samp-T air defense system to protect civilians, citing the Italian Foreign Ministry.

"We have provided Kyiv with unconditional assistance—military, civilian, and financial—and now we are preparing to send a second Samp-T battery to protect the Ukrainian population," he said.

Tajani added that Ukraine has not requested more than what Italy is already providing, despite not having access to the same weapons as the UK and the US.

The minister expressed hope that by the end of the year, a significant peace conference on Ukraine could be organized.

Italy's aid to Ukraine

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Italy has become one of Kyiv's key partners, providing comprehensive support.

In particular, Italy has supplied Ukraine with a significant amount of weapons and military equipment, including anti-tank missile systems, anti-aircraft systems, armored vehicles, and ammunition. This has significantly strengthened the Ukrainian army's defense capabilities.

Additionally, Rome is actively involved in providing humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people, supplying food, medicine, blankets, and other essential items for civilians affected by the war.

According to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, in 2025, Rome will increase military aid to Ukraine to 1.7 billion euros.