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Iran supplies Russia with Fath 360 missiles, US focuses on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense - Pentagon

Iran supplies Russia with Fath 360 missiles, US focuses on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense - Pentagon Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder (photo: flickr by Secretary of Defense Public Affairs)

The US has confirmed that Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia. In response, Washington, along with its allied countries, continues to enhance Ukraine's air defense capabilities as part of its support, states Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder.

"The US has confirmed reports that Iran has transferred shipments of Fath 360 close-range ballistic missiles to Russia, which we assess could employ them within weeks against Ukraine, leading to the deaths of even more Ukrainian civilians," said the Pentagon Press Secretary during a briefing.

The Pentagon is currently unable to specify the number of missiles involved, he added.

Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder also noted that the Fath 360 missiles are believed to have a range of approximately 120 kilometers (75 miles). This will allow the Russians to reserve more advanced missiles with greater range for other targets, including civilian infrastructure.

The Pentagon spokesperson emphasized that since the start of Russia’s large-scale invasion, US and partner support for Ukraine has been focused on air defense, a priority that will continue, especially in light of the threat posed by the Iranian missiles being transferred to Moscow.

"Air defense has been something that we've been very focused on for a long time now when it comes to Ukraine. That has been a priority for the Ukrainians, and therefore it's been a priority for us," Ryder stated.

He added that the development of an integrated air defense capability for Ukraine has been underway for some time, and the US is committed to continuing this support.

"And [with] these missiles, while they certainly are going to present a threat, we're going to work with Ukraine to ensure ... that they have the capabilities needed to defend against these missiles and other missiles that Russia is using, to include drones," said Ryder.

He also mentioned that, according to US estimates, dozens of Russian military personnel have received training in Iran to operate the missile systems.

The spokesperson also noted that it is currently unknown what Iran received from Russia in exchange for providing the missiles.

Ryder suggested that the agreements might include intelligence on nuclear programs, space, and other technological capabilities.

The Pentagon anticipates that Iranian missile supplies to Russia will continue, given the growing relations between Tehran and Moscow and other malign actors on the global stage, including North Korea.

Iran's transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia

Earlier in August, Reuters reported that Iran might soon transfer short-range ballistic missiles, specifically the Fath 360, to Russia. Western media sources suggest that Moscow could receive several hundred of these missiles.

It has also been revealed that Iran has increased the production of ballistic missiles and drones following its agreement with Russia on cooperation.

On September 10, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that Russia has received ballistic missiles from Iran. He suggested that the Russians might use them against Ukraine in the coming weeks.

Additionally, on the same day, the US Treasury Department announced new sanctions against Iran, linked to its decision to provide ballistic missiles to Russia.

For more details on the threat posed by the Fath 360 missiles and how Russia might use them, read the full article by RBC-Ukraine.