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Iran summons EU ambassadors to deny allegations of missile transfer to Russia

Iran summons EU ambassadors to deny allegations of missile transfer to Russia Photo: Iran protested to European ambassadors (Getty Images)

Iran protested to European ambassadors following statements condemning the transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia, according to IRNA.

The Director General of the Ministry’s Department for Western European Affairs, Majid Nili, strongly condemned the "destructive statements and actions" of Western countries.

He cynically claimed that Tehran advocates for a "peaceful resolution" to the Russia-Ukraine war, and therefore, the accusations of transferring ballistic missiles are "totally unfounded and false."

"Insistence on adopting such positions and measures is seen in line with the continuation of the West’s hostile policy against the Iranian people, which of course will receive an appropriate response by the Islamic Republic of Iran," he said.

Iran delivered missiles to Russia

Recently, Western media reported that Iran had transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia. However, Tehran denied this information.

The US confirmed that Russia received ballistic missiles from Iran. There is a likelihood that the occupiers will use them in the coming weeks.

It should be added that the US has already imposed sanctions on Iran for supplying ballistic missiles to Russia.

Meanwhile, it is also known that the EU is preparing sanctions against Iran.