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India is ready to make active contribution to peace in Ukraine - Prime Minister of India

India is ready to make active contribution to peace in Ukraine - Prime Minister of India Photo: Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

India insists on a diplomatic resolution to Russia's war against Ukraine. New Delhi is ready to make an active contribution to achieving peace in Ukraine, according to a statement by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Today is a historical day in India-Ukraine relations. Today for the very first time, an Indian Prime Minister is visiting the land of Ukraine. This on its own is a very historical event. Tomorrow is your national day. It's a very important day. And on my own behalf and on behalf of the 1.4 billion people of India, I convey my very best wishes to you and I hope and I pray for peace and prosperity of Ukraine," he said.

According to Modi, India had a dual role in the war. The first was humanitarian aid, and the second was to "stay away from the war."

"It is with full conviction that we stayed away from the war, but it never meant that we were just an indifferent bystander. We never adopted that role. We were never neutral. And we had a side right from the first day. Our side was peace," Modi stated.

The Prime Minister added that India supports respect for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"Two years ago in Samarkand, when I had met President Putin, I had told him looking into his eyes in front of the media that this is not the era of war. And last month as well when I visited Russia to meet President Putin, I told him very clearly that problems cannot be resolved on the battlefield. The only way of resolving problems is through dialogue and through diplomacy. And without losing any further time we should move in that direction. Both sides must sit together and look for ways to go out of this crisis," he emphasized.

Modi told Zelenskyy that "India is ready to make its proactive contribution and I personally as a friend, if there is any role that I can play, I would very much like to play that role towards peace."

"Mr. President, I have come on the eve of your National Day. And therefore, I would like all of us to work towards early restoration of peace, and India will be ready to make its proactive contribution towards that objective," the Indian Prime Minister added.

Modi visits Ukraine

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Kyiv on the eve of Ukraine's Independence Day. This marks the first time in history that the head of the Indian government has visited Ukraine.

In Kyiv, Modi paid tribute to Ukrainian children who lost their lives due to Russian aggression. He also met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine and India have agreed on four documents for cooperation between the countries in the fields of medicine, agriculture, humanitarian aid, and culture.

To learn why the Indian Prime Minister visited Ukraine and the potential impact on the war, read the RBC-Ukraine material.