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In Greece, a bridge collapses: there are casualties

In Greece, a bridge collapses: there are casualties The site of a bridge collapsed in Patras, Greece (Photo:

In Greece today, on July 23, a bridge collapsed at the entrance to the city of Patras. At least two people were killed as a result of the accident, according to Metro.

The Greek media reports that at the time of the collapse, there was a group of Roma people seeking shelter from the heat under the bridge.

Emergency services are reporting that there is a possibility of people being trapped under the concrete slabs.

"We can confirm that the bridge collapsed. We are operating at the scene. There are people trapped but we don’t know the exact number," the fire brigade said.

Currently, rescue operations are underway, and dozens of rescuers are clearing the debris.

The reasons for the collapse of the structure have not been determined yet.

Anomalous heat in southern Europe

This month, warnings were issued about the anomalous heat that could break temperature records. It was expected that temperatures in Greece would exceed 40 degrees Celsius.