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IDF stated they can reach any point in the Middle East

IDF stated they can reach any point in the Middle East The IDF stated that they can reach any point in the Middle East (photo: Getty Images)

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have stated that they can reach any point in the Middle East thanks to their aviation, states the Chief of the General Staff of the IDF, Lieutenant General Herzl Halevi.

While visiting the F-35I fighter jet park at the Nevatim Airbase of the Israeli Air Force, Halevi stated that the IDF delivers powerful blows to Hamas forces, including their commanders.

"We are also constantly ready for other areas. This [air] base knows how to reach anywhere in the Middle East," General Halevi told military personnel.

War in Israel

In early October, Hamas militants launched a large-scale invasion into Israel, engaging in acts of violence including killing and kidnapping both military personnel and civilians. In response, Israel initiated a military operation against the militants, codenamed "Operation Iron Swords."

As part of this operation, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) expanded its ground operation in the Gaza Strip. Troops and military equipment were deployed to the region.

According to reports, this escalation followed a breakdown in negotiations between Israel and Hamas regarding the release of hostages.

Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagar, stated that IDF forces had completely surrounded the city of Gaza, with no immediate ceasefire in sight.

It was also reported that Israeli ground forces had encircled Gaza and reached the sea.