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House explosion in Poznań on August 25 leaves many injured, others missing

House explosion in Poznań on August 25 leaves many injured, others missing Photo: a powerful explosion and fire in a house occurred in Poland (

A powerful fire and explosion occurred in the Polish city of Poznań around midnight on August 25. The incident has resulted in many injuries and missing persons, reports RMF24.

According to reports, the fire initially broke out in the basement of the building. Firefighters arrived at the scene shortly after.

During the rescue operation, an explosion occurred inside the building. Polish rescuers suspect that there might have been two explosions. The blast was so powerful that it threw back the firefighters who were first to enter the building, and it also damaged the fire trucks.

After the explosion, the fire quickly spread to all floors and even to the roof of a neighboring apartment building. Twenty residents were evacuated from the burning building, and 100 people were evacuated from nearby buildings.

Media reports initially suggested that a gas cylinder exploded in the basement, but firefighters have not confirmed this information.

The fire resulted in 14 injuries, including 11 firefighters and three passersby. Two rescuers are reported missing.

As a reminder, a recent fire broke out on a Ferris wheel in the German city of Leipzig, injuring dozens of visitors.

Meanwhile, Greece is battling a massive wildfire that has reached the outskirts of Athens, forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.