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Fire breaks out on Ferris wheel in Leipzig, injuring over 30 people

Fire breaks out on Ferris wheel in Leipzig, injuring over 30 people A fire breaks out on the Ferris wheel at the Leipzig festival (photo:

In the German city of Leipzig, an accident occurred at the Highfield Festival when two cabins on a Ferris wheel caught fire. The blaze resulted in injuries to dozens of visitors, reports Spiegel.

Following the fire on Saturday evening, festival-goers at Störmthaler See were evacuated. Before the evacuation, individuals had to be rescued from the burning attraction.

According to Leipzig police, over 30 people were injured and received medical treatment before being taken to the hospital.

Preliminarily, most of the injuries were minor, caused by smoke inhalation. However, according to the head of the German Red Cross's emergency department, there are two individuals in serious condition. There were no fatalities.

A fire service representative told dpa news agency that the situation is now under control, and the cause of the incident is being investigated.

Two cabins on the Ferris wheel were completely destroyed by the fire. Despite the incident, the festival has announced it will continue.

Footage of the fire incident has also been shared online.

A fire occurred on the Ferris wheel at the festival in Leipzig (photos: / / /

Earlier reports indicated that in February, Sweden's largest water park, valued at over $10 million, exploded. The incident in Gothenburg resulted in injuries to more than 10 people.

Additionally, on July 21 in Kyiv, a cable on an attraction over the Dnipro River snapped, leading to the death of a young man who fell into the river. The body of the deceased was found after nearly a day of intensive searching.