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Massive wildfire in Greece reaches Athens suburbs, thousands evacuated

Massive wildfire in Greece reaches Athens suburbs, thousands evacuated Photo: A massive forest fire in Greece has reached the suburbs of Athens (

A massive forest fire has engulfed the northern regions of Athens, prompting the Greek authorities to evacuate thousands of people, according to The Independent

The fire service has ordered people in several towns around the Greek capital, including the historic Marathon, to leave their homes. Emergency services are working around the clock to ensure the safety of residents.

In the villages of Varnavas and Grammatiko, the fire has destroyed homes, and firefighters have been rescuing people trapped in their vehicles while attempting to evacuate.

The situation is further complicated by strong winds of 63-74 km/h, which have caused the fire to spread rapidly.

On Sunday, Greece was battling 40 fires, seven of which were so large that firefighting teams could not contain them. Several regions remained on high alert for fires throughout Sunday and Monday.

The Minister of the Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection of Greece, Vassilis Kikilias, warned that half of the country is at an elevated risk of fire due to high temperatures, strong winds, and drought.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis cut his vacation short and returned to Athens to personally oversee the response to the emergency. By evening, the fire in Varnavas had already burned through 100 square kilometers of land.

Residents of Varnavas and Grammatiko were issued evacuation orders via the national emergency number, while those in Marathon were instructed to move to the coastal town of Nea Makri.

According to fire service spokesperson Vassilis Vathrakogiannis, the fire was advancing towards Marathon Lake, and firefighting efforts were continuously increasing, focusing on battling flames that reached heights of up to 25 meters in some areas.

Despite the deployment of 165 firefighters, 30 vehicles, and several aircraft, strong winds hampered efforts to control the blaze, which is expected to rage throughout the night. Athens hospitals have been put on high alert as dense smoke has enveloped parts of the city.

This summer, Greece has experienced hundreds of fires amid the hottest June and July on record.