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Historic medal for Ukraine: Pavlo Bal wins handbike award at 2024 Paralympics

Historic medal for Ukraine: Pavlo Bal wins handbike award at 2024 Paralympics Photo: Paralympian Pavlo Bal (Getty Images)

Ukrainian athlete wins historic Paralympic award for Ukraine. Pavlo Bal earned a medal in handbike, according to a statement from the Verkhovna Rada (unicameral parliament) of Ukraine.

During the 2024 Paralympics, Bal won a bronze medal in handbike. With this achievement, he became the first Ukrainian to win a medal in this cycling discipline.

"We are proud of your success, Pavlo! This is a great victory for you and for all of Ukraine!" the Verkhovna Rada added.

2024 Paralympics

We previously reported that swimmer Trusov set a world record and won gold for Ukraine at the Paralympics.

Additionally, it is worth noting that this year Ukraine has already won a historic medal. It was earned by Ukrainian athlete Artem Kolinko.