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Harris yet to choose vice presidential candidate - CNN

Harris yet to choose vice presidential candidate - CNN Photo: US Vice President Kamala Harris (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States and a future presidential candidate, has not yet chosen a running mate and a candidate for the future vice presidency, according to CNN.

It is noted that next week, Harris is to go on tour in the United States with her associate. But she has not yet announced who it will be.

A likely contender for this position is Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, who planned to hold a series of fundraising events in New York this weekend, including in the Hamptons. However, these events were canceled.

It is known that Shapiro had several meetings with Harris' aides.

At the same time, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker also held initial and second interviews with Harris' aides. Both interviews were conducted virtually, the second one took place on Wednesday.

Biden’s replacement with Harris

In July, incumbent US President Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy from the presidential race for the November elections.

He proposed his current Vice President, Kamala Harris, as his replacement. Interestingly, even before her candidacy was announced, Harris had a rating of over 45% among voters.

It is already known that Harris leads Trump in support in four out of seven key states.