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Harris leads Trump in four of seven swing states, Bloomberg

Harris leads Trump in four of seven swing states, Bloomberg Photo: Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris (Getty Images)

US Vice President Kamala Harris is leading presidential candidate Donald Trump in four of the seven key states that are likely to determine the outcome of the November elections, informs Bloomberg.

According to a poll conducted by Bloomberg News and Morning Consult, Harris leads Trump in Arizona (49% for the Vice President versus 47% for the former President), Wisconsin (50% to 47%), Michigan (53% to 42%), and Nevada (47% to 45%).

At the same time, both candidates have garnered the same level of support in Georgia (47%). In the remaining two swing states, Trump is ahead of Harris in Pennsylvania (50% to 46%) and North Carolina (50% to 46%).

Overall, the current Vice President leads the former President by 1 percentage point - Harris has 48% of the respondents' support, while Trump has 47%. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, the current President, was trailing Trump by 2 percentage points (47% to 45%) in a similar poll conducted in early July.

This poll, showing Harris's lead over Trump, was conducted from July 24 to 28. Nearly 5,000 American voters from seven states participated in the survey. The margin of error was 1 percentage point.

It is worth noting that Kamala Harris raised a record $200 million in donations during the first week of her campaign. Her campaign team stated that this demonstrates overwhelming support for her candidacy for the US presidency.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that it was revealed when Harris would announce her vice-presidential candidate. This announcement is expected before her upcoming trip next week to the states that could determine the election outcome.