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Harris raised $200 million in her first week of campaigning

Harris raised $200 million in her first week of campaigning US Vice President Kamala Harris (photo: Getty Images)

US Vice President and likely Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris raised a record $200 million in the first week of her campaign, reports Politico.

The newspaper notes that with Harris's appearance, the Democratic Party began to raise huge amounts of money for the election campaign.

For example, in seven days, two-thirds of donations came from first-time donors. Harris's headquarters said that this shows overwhelming support for the candidate's bid for the White House.

Kamala Harris' support is also evidenced by polls. She has reduced the deficit, which has increased in recent weeks when current US President Joe Biden was a presumptive presidential candidate.

According to a study by The New York Times and the Siena College Institute, 48% of likely voters are ready to vote for former US President Donald Trump, and 47% are ready to vote for Harris.

At the same time, a CNN and SSRS poll published last week showed that 46% of voters are ready to vote for Harris and 49% for the former US president. Nevertheless, these figures are better than the support between Trump and incumbent President Joe Biden in the polls.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that Harris focused on three candidates who could potentially become the Democratic vice presidential candidate and go to the polls with her. The choice is expected to be made by August 7.