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Reuters reveals when Harris will announce her VP pick

Reuters reveals when Harris will announce her VP pick Photo: US Vice President Kamala Harris (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Next week, US Vice President Kamala Harris plans to start campaigning. This will happen immediately after she announces her vice presidential candidate, according to Reuters.

According to one of the Reuters' anonymous sources, Harris will announce her vice presidential candidate before her trip next week to states whose votes could determine the outcome of the presidential election.

In recent years, such states have included, among others, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The planned trip may indicate that Harris is close to deciding on who will be her running mate for the campaign.

The media included a short list of candidates under consideration:

  • Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
  • Arizona Senator Mark Kelly
  • Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
  • Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

Kamala Harris is to choose a vice presidential candidate.

RBC-Ukraine reported on who could become the Democratic vice president of the United States.

We also reported that Harris raised $200 million in the first week of her campaign.