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Harris promises strong support for Ukraine and NATO if elected US president

Harris promises strong support for Ukraine and NATO if elected US president US Vice President Kamala Harris (photo: Getty Images)

US Vice President Kamala Harris has vowed that if she wins the presidential election, she will continue to support Ukraine and NATO, reports the Associated Press.

On the final day of the Democratic National Convention, after officially agreeing to run for president, Kamala Harris delivered a speech in which she strongly defended Ukraine and NATO, criticizing previous comments by Republican candidate Donald Trump regarding the war in Ukraine.

“As President, I will stand strong with Ukraine and our NATO allies,” Harris said.

Harris added that five days before the full-scale war, she had warned President Volodymyr Zelenskyy about Russia's impending invasion of Ukraine. She also noted that she helped lead the US diplomatic response, uniting over 50 countries.

US election

The US presidential election is scheduled for November 5 this year. The newly elected president and vice president, chosen by the American people, will assume office on January 20, 2025, following the inauguration.

Harris and Trump are expected to hold two rounds of debates, with the first scheduled for next month on September 10, to be broadcast on ABC News.