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Harris leads Trump in nearly all key states: Poll

Harris leads Trump in nearly all key states: Poll Photo: Democrat Kamala Harris (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

US Vice President Kamala Harris is now leading or tied with former President Donald Trump in most key states. She is currently ahead of Trump by one percentage point, according to THE HILL.

Kamala Harris is ahead of Donald Trump in several key states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

In seven battleground states, Harris has 48% support compared to Trump's 47%, with 5% of respondents undecided or stating they won't vote.

The poll indicates that Harris is currently slightly ahead of Trump in five of these states and tied with him in Georgia. Trump's only advantage is in Nevada, where Harris has reduced his lead by 6 points since the last survey in May.

The survey, conducted among 2,867 potential voters in seven states from July 26 to August 2, has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.83 percentage points.

Last week, it was reported that Harris leads Trump in three key states. Previously, RBC-Ukraine noted that Harris leads Trump in the upcoming US presidential election with 42% to Trump's 37%.