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Harris chosen as official candidate for President of United States

Harris chosen as official candidate for President of United States Photo: US Vice President Kamala Harris (Getty Images)

The United States held a vote where the Democrats selected their official presidential candidate for the 2024 election. The Democrats have chosen Vice President Kamala Harris as their candidate, The Washington Post reports.

It should be noted that about 4,000 delegates, selected during the Democratic Party primaries, participated in the vote.

Today, 3,923 Democrats cast their votes for Harris. Harris needed a minimum of 1,976 votes for official nomination for the election.

Kamala Harris made a statement after the vote

"I am honored to be the presumptive Democratic nominee for president of the United States," said the Democrat.

The US Vice President emphasized that she will officially accept the nomination next week.

"This campaign is about people coming together, fueled by love of country, to fight for the best of who we are," she added.

What preceded

A few weeks ago, it became known that US President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race. This came after he lost to former US President Donald Trump in the debates.

Following Biden's poor performance, panic erupted among Democrats and the campaign sponsors of the American leader, as everyone began to doubt his chances of winning the upcoming election.

When Biden announced that he would not be participating in the election, he endorsed Harris as the Democratic candidate.

It should be noted that, according to polls, Harris is currently leading her main opponent, former President Donald Trump, in four out of seven key states.

We also reported on when Harris will announce her vice-presidential candidate.

Additionally, according to media reports, Harris expressed her readiness to debate Trump. The former US president himself allowed for the possibility of debates, but in his statements, he did not seem confident.