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German minister on Russia-Africa Summit: 'Putin's PR Show'

German minister on Russia-Africa Summit: 'Putin's PR Show' German Minister Svenja Schulze describes Russia-Africa Summit as Putin's PR show (Photo: flickr by Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office)

The Russia-Africa Summit, taking place on July 27-28 in St. Petersburg, is a PR show for the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, states the Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, Svenja Schulze.

"Anyone who promises cheap Russian wheat to African countries and at the same time bombs Ukrainian grain ports does not want to fight hunger, but only create new dependencies," emphasized the minister.

According to her, Russia is only "anti-colonial" in words, but its actions in Africa are geared towards dependency and exploitation.

"This (Russia-Africa Summit - Ed.) is Putin's PR show," Schulze highlighted.

Russia's withdrawal from the "grain deal"

Last week, the press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, announced that his country is ending its participation in the "grain deal." He complained that Russian conditions within the framework of the agreements were not being met.

Thanks to the "grain deal," Ukraine had the opportunity to export its grain via the Black Sea, which was received, among others, by African countries. However, after Russia's withdrawal, such grain shipments ceased, and the delivery of food to Africa was complicated.

Russian occupiers have also already dealt a series of blows to Ukrainian maritime and river ports, damaging infrastructure and grain storage facilities there.