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Gepard against Shaheds: Expert explains anti-aircraft guns importance for Ukraine

Gepard against Shaheds: Expert explains anti-aircraft guns importance for Ukraine Expert explains the value of Gepard for Ukraine (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

German self-propelled anti-aircraft guns Gepard enable Ukraine to make the use of Shaheds economically disadvantageous for the Russians, states military expert Valerii Riabykh in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

He emphasizes that during the defense against drone attacks conducted by Russian occupiers, the Gepard anti-aircraft guns are particularly valuable.

According to the expert, Russia is attempting to exhaust Ukrainian air defense by using Shaheds. The adversary anticipates that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will expend a significant number of missiles on drones.

"The use of Gepard allows for relatively inexpensive drone interceptions. If a Shahed costs tens of thousands of dollars, one or two rounds from the Gepard cost up to a dozen. If the air defense is saturated with such systems, it becomes economically disadvantageous for the Russians to employ Shaheds," clarified Riabykh.

Gepard for Ukraine

Germany has repeatedly provided Ukraine with self-propelled Gepard anti-aircraft guns as part of military aid.

As reported by RBC-Ukraine, these anti-aircraft guns had to some extent replaced short-range air defense systems in Ukraine.

According to media reports, the United States has purchased an additional 60 such anti-aircraft guns from Jordan for Ukraine.