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Foreign Ministers of Weimar Triangle countries to discuss aid to Ukraine and NATO summit in France

Foreign Ministers of Weimar Triangle countries to discuss aid to Ukraine and NATO summit in France The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski (photo: facebook_com_JankaOchojska)

Poland's Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski, Germany's Annalena Baerbock, and France's Stéphane Séjourné will hold a meeting of foreign ministers from the Weimar Triangle countries on February 12, according to the Polish government's website.

The heads of the foreign diplomatic offices of the states will meet on Monday at the palace in La Celle-Saint-Cloud (a city and municipality in France, located near Paris).

"The meeting is aimed at reviving the Weimar Triangle formula which has long been an important tool of Poland's European policy," Warsaw's statement said.

It is noted that the planned topics for negotiations will include current international issues, including the support for Ukraine, which continues to resist large-scale military aggression from Russia.

In addition, the parties will discuss cooperation in the defense sphere and the upcoming NATO summit in Washington.

"The problem of Russian disinformation and of destabilising measures taken by the regime in Minsk will also be discussed," the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.

Weimar Triangle

This informal international association of Germany, Poland, and France, which emerged in 1991, holds numerous meetings of foreign ministers and heads of state. Issues related to Ukraine are often discussed at summits.

Several initiatives have been proposed at various times to involve Ukraine in the respective alliance, thus transforming the triangle into a quadrangle.

NATO Summit in Washington

The NATO summit is scheduled to take place in Washington on July 9-11. As previously stated by U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, assistance to Ukraine will be one of the key issues during the summit.

Specifically, participants aim to discuss further arms supplies to the Ukrainian side.

Recently, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, stated that Ukraine expects historic decisions at the NATO summit. Additionally, Vice Prime Minister, Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishyna shared Ukraine's plans for the NATO summit in Washington.