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For more effective drone launches: Ukrainian Digital Ministry tests new mobile electronic warfare complex

For more effective drone launches: Ukrainian Digital Ministry tests new mobile electronic warfare complex Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

A new mobile and modular electronic warfare system called ETER is tested in Ukraine. It will help military personnel perform tasks more effectively on the battlefield, announces the Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov.

"ETER is a complex of direction finders that detect enemy signals from radio stations, drones, and EW systems," the message reads.

"It is noted that this will help the military to more effectively carry out combat tasks, launch drones, and strike enemy positions.

What else is known about this complex

Fedorov writes that before launching the drone, soldiers check for the presence of enemy EW signals, and then chart a safe route for the drone.

For more effective drone launches: Ukrainian Digital Ministry tests new mobile electronic warfare complexPhoto: New complex (

The complex itself is mobile and modular, allowing for the quick replacement of damaged components. Currently, certain units of the Armed Forces are using the development at the front line.

Weapon production in Ukraine

On September 29, First International Forum of Defense Industries (DFNC1) took place in Kyiv. The event brought together 252 companies from over 30 countries.

The forum included manufacturers of tanks, artillery, drones, ammunition, developers of innovative software, and owners of unique complex technologies from partner countries, as well as Ukrainian state and private defense industry enterprises.

During the forum, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the creation of an alliance of defense industries and a special fund in the defense sector. It will be filled with funds from Russian assets and dividends from state defense assets.

Recently, it was reported that Ukraine was developing electronic warfare technologies with the government program Brave1. Own dome against drones called Piranha AVD 360 had been developed.