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Finland starts fence on Russian border

Finland starts fence on Russian border Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Construction of temporary fences begins on the border with Russia in Finland. The Armed Forces are assisting border guards in the construction, this was announced by the chief of the border post Vartius, Captain Jouko Kinnunen.

Construction of a temporary fence has started at the Vartius border crossing.

"Protective structures as temporary barriers on the state border are being built in close proximity to the barriers. This measure is aimed at ensuring the operation of the border crossing," said Kinnunen.

Finland has closed the border with Russia

Earlier, Finland decided to close four border crossing points with Russia, citing a large number of refugees seeking asylum.

Later, it became known that Finland may completely close the border with Russia. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is preparing the relevant draft law. It is intended to be a contingency measure in case the number of asylum seekers in Finland sharply increases.

The government wants to see how the closure of the four crossing points will affect the number of people seeking asylum before implementing more serious measures at the border.