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Fifth recruited mercenary from India eliminated in Ukraine - Media

Fifth recruited mercenary from India eliminated in Ukraine - Media Illustrative image (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

In Ukraine, the fifth mercenary from India, who fought on the side of Russia, was eliminated. It is currently known that around 50 Indians are assisting the enemy in the war, according to Yahoo News.

According to the brother of the deceased, 22-year-old Ravi Moun, he went to Russia in January of this year after a private recruitment agent promised him a job in transportation. However, by March, he was "forced to join fighting on the frontier with Ukraine".

"After losing contact with him, I approached the Indian embassy in Moscow and they informed us that my brother has died," said the brother of the deceased.

The embassy also requested DNA samples to identify Moun's body.

Last week, India's Ministry of External Affairs stated that the government is working to repatriate around 50 Indians fighting alongside the Russian army.

Recruitment of Indians by Russia

In June, after the deaths of two Indians in the Russian army, New Delhi began demanding that the Kremlin return the recruited citizens. As reported by Reuters, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to Moscow, planned to secure the swift release of Indians from the Russian army.

Additionally, besides Indians, Russia has also attempted to recruit Serbs and Ukrainians living in the occupied territories.