ua en ru

Explosions were heard in Belgorod, Russia complains about strike

Explosions were heard in Belgorod, Russia complains about strike Illustrative photo: Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (Getty Images)

Explosions were reported in the Russian city of Belgorod on the evening of August 30. Local authorities claimed that air defense systems were activated and that a shell had directly hit the area, according to the Telegram channel of Belgorod region governor Vyacheslav Gladkov and Russian Telegram channels.

According to local residents, at least four to five explosions were heard in Belgorod. After the attack, smoke was visible over one of the city’s districts.

Earlier, the region's governor had warned of a missile threat in Belgorod and the Belgorod district, as well as in Shebekino and the Shebekino district.

"Our air defense system was activated over Belgorod and the Belgorod district—several aerial targets were shot down as they approached the city," Gladkov stated.

He claimed that one person died after a shell directly hit a car.

The region's governor also reported that seven civilians were injured in the attack.

"According to preliminary information, there were direct hits in Belgorod on an apartment building, several commercial establishments, and a car. In the Belgorod district, in the village of Dubovoe, two private houses are on fire," added Gladkov.

Explosions in Belgorod

In the Rakitnoe district of the Belgorod region in Russia, a large fire broke out on the night of August 25, reportedly due to strikes following a shelling. There were also reports of casualties.

On July 29, Russians claimed that a fire broke out at a substation in the Belgorod region, allegedly due to a drone attack.