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Explosions in Crimea near the occupiers' airfield

Explosions in Crimea near the occupiers' airfield Russian military personnel in occupied Crimea (illustrative photo:Getty Images)

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, explosions were reported in the Novofedorivka area near the airport held by Russian occupiers. Local residents have mentioned the possibility of a drone attack and the operation of air defense systems by the intervenors, according to the Telegram channel "Krymskyi Viter."

The explosions began near Novofedorivka around midnight.

It is also noted that the "blast" was very strong, and the explosions were heard in other populated areas as well, including Yevpatoriya, Saki, Sevastopol, and Chornomorske.

Online reports suggest that Russian air defense systems are in operation, with preliminary indications pointing to the Pantsir-S1 system.

"Under Simferopol, there is also unrest, and the Russian air defense system is working... In the area of the villages Molochne and Zatyshne near Yevpatoriya, the Pantsir-S1 is firing, according to subscribers," states the publication.

Representatives of the occupation "administration" and local collaborators have not yet commented on the incident.

The explosions continue in other populated areas as well

In online forums and Telegram channels, the current drone strike in occupied Crimea is being referred to as one of the "most massive" attacks.

Reports on social media indicate at least two explosions in Yevpatoriya. Local residents also claim to have seen UAVs flying towards the Djankoy airport.

Furthermore, it's noted that explosions and gunfire have been ongoing for over an hour in Novofedorivka.

"In Sevastopol, in the areas of Kozacha and Kamishova bays, there have been loud sounds for the past hour... In Mykolaivka, explosions and the buzzing of a drone can be heard... It's loud in Zatyshne Sakske district," the publication states.

The reaction of the occupiers

Approximately two hours after the initial reports of explosions in Crimea, a representative of the governor - advisor to the so-called "head of Crimea," Oleg Kryuchkov, responded to the extensive "fireworks."

However, his response was essentially limited to stating that air defense systems were active, with assurances that information about the aftermath would be announced later.

"We ask all Crimean residents to remain calm. If you hear the sounds of drones flying or the operation of air defense systems, move away from windows. Official information will be provided later," he wrote on social media.

Explosions in Crimea and strikes on enemy bases

Recently, there have been increasing reports of explosions in the temporarily occupied Crimea. Many of these explosions are associated with attacks by Ukrainian Armed Forces targeting Russian military concentrations, their equipment, and ammunition depots.

For example, on August 20, the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked a Russian command post near the occupied Sevastopol in Crimea, successfully striking the command post of the Black Sea Fleet occupiers near Verkhnyosadove.

It was also reported that on September 13, Ukrainian forces targeted a ship repair plant in Sevastopol. As a result of the attack, the diesel-electric submarine "Rostov-on-Don" and the landing ship "Minsk" were damaged.

On September 14, the military counterintelligence of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) and the Ukrainian Navy conducted a unique special operation. Using drones and missiles, they destroyed a Russian S-400 Triumf air defense system worth $1.2 billion near Yevpatoriya.