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Explosion suspected from inside of multi-story building in Belgorod: OSINT analysts

Explosion suspected from inside of multi-story building in Belgorod: OSINT analysts Photo: the house in Belgorod could have been blown up from the inside (screenshot of the video)

The multi-story building in Belgorod may have been blown up from the inside. This means that accusations against Ukraine by the Russians are fake, according to OSINT analyst and military observer Tendar on X.

"An apartment building was blown up in Belgorod. Over the course of this war, I have seen a lot of residential buildings being hit, and I’m pretty certain that this one is completely different. The explosion pattern indicates an explosion from inside the building," the researcher noted.

As explained by the analyst, in the images published online, there are no visible falling rockets, only smoke and debris scattered around.

"This has all the hallmarks of what happened 1999 in Moscow when the high rise buildings where blown up by the Russian FSB to “justify” the war in Chechnya," the analyst added.

What happened in Belgorod

Today, May 12, in Belgorod, Russia, a section of a multi-story building collapsed. While emergency services were working at the scene, another part of the building collapsed. The building was destroyed from the tenth to the first floor.

There may be people trapped under the rubble. Russians are already reporting casualties. Meanwhile, Moscow has labeled the incident in Belgorod as a terrorist act and blamed Ukraine. The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that the building was allegedly damaged by debris from one of the downed Tochka-U missiles.

In Ukraine, it is believed that a household explosion could have occurred in Belgorod, but provocation is also not ruled out.